
We're all in this together

GRYC is volunteer-driven. While a small staff is hired during the summer to help with sailing programs, administration and maintenance, members are expected to contribute to help the club run smoothly.

A wide range of volunteer activities are available and suitable for different skills and ages. We make volunteering easy through an online system. The club posts volunteer opportunities throughout the season and advertises them in the e-newsletter.

This is photo of a group of people lifting a boat

Volunteer requirements

  • Each adult member age 18 and over must volunteer at least one day (8 hours).
  • Therefore each family will volunteer at least two days (16 hours).
  • Note: If an adult child is not living in the region during the summer months, kindly email: membership@gryc.ca.
  • Children under 18 years aren't required to volunteer but are encouraged to get involved and help out.

Example credits

In the volunteer system each volunteer position will have the number of hours assigned.

Approximately 4 hours (1/2 day)

  • Club night volunteers (various duties such as set-up, serving and clean-up)
  • Sunday Race Officials and crash boat Operators
  • Fleet maintenance

Approximately 8 hours (1 day)

  • Finale Regionale Organizing Committee Member or Safety Boat Operator

Approximately 12 hours (1 1/2 days)

  • Race Official Team Leader

Approximately 16 hours (2 days) or more

  • Crash Boat or Race Official Volunteer Coordinator
  • Regatta Committee Chair
  • Facilities projects: Team Lead

Tracking events and credits

Online system

The volunteer website has two tabs, one for volunteer sign-up and one to register for events.

  • To volunteer or register, click on any event and find a specific task you're interested in
  • Enter the email address where you'd to receive info and confirmation emails. Enter your first/last name + phone #.
  • For volunteer positions, you'll also enter the "Family name of the club primary member." This is used to tally the volunteer hours for each family.
  • For events you will enter the # of adults and children attending
  • You'll receive a confirmation email. The first time this happens you need to open the email and click on a confirmation link to confirm.
  • The web platform will keep track of all your volunteer/event commitments.
  • If you need to cancel your volunteering/event registration, go to the in your confirmation email and click on "Cancel".
  • If you do not receive the confirmation email, check your spam filter and allow emails from ivolunteer.com.
  • If you have technical problems, contact ivolunteer@gryc.ca.
  • For questions regarding a specific event, email the event contact person shown on the specific volunteer page.

Recording credits

Members can track their volunteer credits through the link provided in the email confirmation.

Board directors and team leads can also track volunteer credits and vacant volunteer positions at any time. At the end of the season, GRYC will total member credits to ensure volunteer requirements are met.


It's your responsibility to ensure you maintain an accurate record of your volunteer hours. Volunteer hours that aren't logged in the system aren't included in member totals.


If you have any questions about a specific event, or you notice an error in the volunteer information, send an e-mail to the individual noted at the top of the page.

Penalties for not volunteering

A non-volunteering fine may be issued to members who fail to meet the volunteer requirements. Failure to fulfill volunteer requirements several years in a row, without providing reasonable grounds, may result in loss of membership (By-laws Article 4.4).